Geothermal heating systems

DEAS Asset Management aims to reduce CO2 emissions and energy costs in the managed property portfolios.
A significant portion of CO2 emissions arises in the built environment, and indoor heating is one of the major contributors to the generated emissions. For this reason, DEAS Asset Management is investigating potential technical upgrades in its managed real estate portfolios, where the heating production can be changed to a more environmentally friendly method.
In Finland, one of the most effective ways to reduce heating costs and improve building energy efficiency is to use a geothermal heating system, which have been installed in many new properties. Energy investments have also been made to existing properties, including the conversion of heating systems to a more sustainable geothermal heating system.
In several newly completed industrial properties managed by DEAS in Finland, geothermal heating system have been chosen as the property’s primary heating method. Ground source heat investments are also planned for residential properties managed by DEAS, which currently use district heating for heat production.
Geothermal heating could be used in various building types, including residential buildings, offices, retail buildings to large industrial properties.
The geothermal heating system also has many other benefits, such as:
– Reduces property’s CO2 emissions by producing thermal energy locally and CO2 emission-free.
– Reduces typically property’s heating costs on average compared to other common forms of heating (gas, oil and district heating).
– Geothermal cooling can be added to improve energy efficiency further.
– Improves the property’s energy self-sufficiency and increases the value of the property since geothermal heating is typically more environmentally friendly and economical system, and heating costs are independent of market energy pricing.
– Makes the property more attractive in the eyes of tenants and investors.